While raging, Winston can only make melee and Jump Pack attacks Since Winston has a large hitbox, Soldier 76 will be able to do a lot of damage to Winston even from long ranges.. When you use Primal Rage around a Soldier 76, he may attempt to Sprint away from you.. But remember, your Jump Pack changes to a 2 second cooldown, giving you plenty of mobility to leap after him to take him out.. You can try to gain some distance with your Grappling Hook, but his Jump Pack's recharge time is much shorter than that of your Grappling Hook, meaning in a matter of seconds he can once again jump your way. Micro-star Ms 7181 Audio Drivers For Mac

While raging, Winston can only make melee and Jump Pack attacks Since Winston has a large hitbox, Soldier 76 will be able to do a lot of damage to Winston even from long ranges.. When you use Primal Rage around a Soldier 76, he may attempt to Sprint away from you.. But remember, your Jump Pack changes to a 2 second cooldown, giving you plenty of mobility to leap after him to take him out.. You can try to gain some distance with your Grappling Hook, but his Jump Pack's recharge time is much shorter than that of your Grappling Hook, meaning in a matter of seconds he can once again jump your way. 0041d406d9 Micro-star Ms 7181 Audio Drivers For Mac

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How Much Dmg Does Winston Jump Pack Do